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Dress Code and Dancewear

Get fitted for shoes and dancewear in the studio, then order and have them shipped to the studio!

Order t-shirts and other Trinity Dance merch!

Being properly dressed for dance class is very important. If you're properly dressed go to work in the garden, you can more effectively work in the garden. The same goes for dancing! If a student takes the time to prepare physically for class, the student will get the most out of class. There is also a safety and distraction element. Your teacher may request that you change or remove extra items that are causing you problems.


Here is a general guideline for each class type:


Classes with no dress code or a very lax dress code:


Students should wear comfortable, stretchy clothing. Ballet shoes for ballet classes and jazz shoes for jazz classes are necessary. Bare feet work best for tumbling.

-Toddler Tumble, Adult Ballet, Adult Jazz, Pre-Ballet, Beginning Ballet.


Twinkle Stars Dress Code

Best is a leotard or dance dress and tights. Leggings or shorts and t-shirt also ok. All Twinkles need ballet shoes and tap shoes. Hair should be pulled back from the face.


Tumbling class dress code:

Best is a leotard and leggings or shorts. T-shirt and leggings and shorts are also ok. Hair pulled into a low ponytail or braid.

Absolutely no: jeans or non-stretchy clothing, dresses (upside down?), footed tights (slippery!), dangly jewelry.


Jazz class dress code

Best is a leotard and tights, skirts or shorts are ok, leggings are ok. Jazz shoes must be worn. Hair pulled back from the face in a bun, ponytail, or braid.

Absolutely no: jeans or non-stretchy clothing, dresses, dangly jewelry.


Tap class dress code:

Best is leotard and tights, skirts or shorts are ok, leggings are ok. Tap shoes must be worn. Hair pulled back from the face in a bun, ponytail, or braid.

Absolutely no: jeans, dangly jewelry


Ballet Class dress code:

Students must have a leotard (any color), tights, and ballet slippers. Ballet 4 and higher must have convertible tights and split sole ballet shoes. Ballet skirts are welcome. Tight, stretchy shorts may be worn if needed occasionally. Warm layers are fine for the start of class, but the instructor will ask that they are removed at a certain point. Hair MUST be in a secure bun unless it is too short. Pointe shoes are only used when the student has been given permission and must be purchased from an approved source.
Absolutely no: jeans, dangly jewelry, sweats that can't be removed. 


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