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New Here? 
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What does my child need to wear for class? 


We do not have a specific dress code, and if a child comes to class in leggings and a t-shirt, that totally works too. So I’m going to share the ideal uniform, just know that any variation of that is also fine. If you’d like to read more about WHY the ideal dress code is helpful, click here.


Girls: ballet leotard of any color and style, tights (preferably pink) and ballet slippers (preferably pink). Ballet dresses and skirts are also ok. For little ones, even a t-shirt and leggings works. Ballet slippers are important because it protects them from slipping, but if you don’t have them yet, non-skid socks are ok. Hair should be in a bun if it’s long enough, clipped or headbands back from the face if it’s too short. In ballet 4 and higher, proper dance clothing is REQUIRED for participation in class.


Boys: men’s tights (thicker, more like footed leggings) OR leggings and a t-shirt. Or shorts and a t-shirt. Black ballet slippers.


*Students will never be made to ‘sit out’ for not having all their dance clothes, but parents will be notified / reminded.


For our other classes, the same elements work just fine. For tumbling, they need bare feet. For tap, students need a "mary jane" style of tap shoe (not high-heeled shoes). Jazz students need jazz shoes / boots. You can find all of these items in our Nimbly Store, and we have sizing kits available in the studio.


 2. Where can I buy what I need for class?


Please see the Dancewear Page for more info.


 3. I don’t know if my child will like the class or if he / she is quite ready for a class structure. Is there a way to try without committing?


Yes, if you’re uncertain about your child’s interest, we offer a $20 trial class. You would not need to pay the registration fee or tuition until AFTER he / she has completed the first class and you know you want to keep coming. The $20 fee will be applied as a credit to your tuition if you register within one week of your trial class.

If the trial class goes well and the instructor feels your child is ready for the class, you can register! If the child is not quite ready for class, we recommend trying again in the next session. We want it to be a positive experience for all our students!


4. My 3-year-old was doing wonderfully, but today, she totally refused to participate! Should I take her out? I feel terrible!


Don’t feel terrible. This is very common with little ones. We all know that kids are thrown off by a weird nap schedule or changes at home or allergies or even just the way the wind is blowing today. I will always try to get them to warm up and rejoin the class, but it’s ok if we just need to try again next week. It doesn’t usually last. :) I may ask you to take them home if it’s a case of them making it impossible for me to teach the other children (and sometimes not letting them complete the class shows them a proper boundary) but I’m not offended or bothered by it. I promise. It’ll probably be my kid next week. :)


5. My child has special needs. Is it ok for him / her to participate?


Sure! We can definitely try. As long as they can generally follow along with the class, it’s often a wonderful fit for them. Be sure to tell the instructor if there’s anything specific that will help your child. “She doesn’t like to be touched” or “He is very sensitive to loud noises” is really important information for your dance teacher to have. We are open to discussing creative accessibility options to help your child enjoy class.


6. How do I pay my tuition fees?


The best way to pay is online through the parent portal or app. You can also set up autopay, which comes out on the 5th of each month. We also accept cash or check. All fees are due on or before the 5th of each month.


7. Is the commitment month to month? Or can I just sign up for a few months?


Our school year runs from August-June (no classes in December). When you sign up, you are signing up for the school year, however, you can drop classes. We do require 21 days notice. 

Since most of our classes are designed to progress throughout the year, if you know you'll only be able to do it for a month or two, we do offer some non-performing classes that are designed for short-term participation. Look for Pre-Ballet, Beginning Ballet, or Toddler Tumble.


8. Is it okay to be in the class but not participate in the performances?


Absolutely. We do work on choreography in class, so for students who are not performing, they learn the dance for fun! Most people do participate, so be sure to opt OUT of the performances before the given deadline. You can also join one of the non performing classes (see previous question.


© 2024 by Trinity Dance LLC

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